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4 Keyless Entry System Benefits

Keyless entry systems have all but replaced manual locks and keys on vehicles manufactured in recent years. A keyless entry system installed on your vehicle can greatly increase its security and prevent unauthorized access and vandalism. Read on to learn more about why keyless entry systems have become so popular.   

What is a Vehicle Keyless Entry System? 

A keyless entry system is a form of electronic lock system that takes the place of a manual lock and key system. When it comes to vehicles, a remote key fob replaces a key which usually has a series of buttons to lock and unlock the doors and open the trunk. Some keyless entry systems also incorporate remote starters into their remotes, which allow you to start the vehicle from a remote location. As you can imagine, there are many positives to having a keyless entry system over manual locks and keys, especially in this day and age. 

Remote key fobs operate by sending a radio signal to your vehicle’s engine when you push each button, causing the desired action. Whether you want to enter your vehicle, open your trunk, or start your engine, it’s as simple as pressing a button. Many people feel like they couldn’t live without this feature of their vehicle. 

Keyless entry systems were originally only available on luxury vehicles, starting with those manufactured by Mercedes-Benz. Slowly they spread across different manufacturers, to the point where by 2018, keyless entry is the standard among new vehicles that are being sold. This trend is projected to continue to the point where they all but erase manual locks and keys for vehicles. 

The Benefits of Automotive Keyless Entry  

Keyless entry systems on vehicles have many benefits, which have led to their rapid increase in popularity among car manufacturers at all levels. As the world moves to a more technologically based security atmosphere, vehicle keyless entry will only become more widespread. The following benefits are only a few of the positive aspects that keyless entry can bring for your vehicle. 


1: Better Security than Manual Locks & Keys

The top reason for the widespread adoption of keyless entry systems is the increase in the security they provide the vehicle. Without keyholes, it’s much harder for would-be criminals to break in to the vehicle. Traditional lock holes are much easier to bypass using common criminal methods than keyless entry systems. Keyless entry may be equipped with additional security features depending on the manufacturer. Of course, a thief can still smash a window to gain access, but this is less likely because it tends to draw attention to the act. 

2: Less Chance for a Lock Problem

Problems related to your locks can be serious enough to prevent you from driving or even starting your vehicle. Most keyed vehicles house the ignition key slot in a mechanical part known as the ignition cylinder. If this gets worn out or is damaged, the vehicle may not start. A locksmith can change out a faulty ignition cylinder, but it still requires a service call. Most remote car fobs run on a battery with an extremely long battery life. When the battery does end up dying, it’s an easy fix if you call a local locksmith. Keyless entry has the added perk of contributing to a sleeker, more modern design.  

3: Stronger Protection for the Driver

If you find yourself in a bad neighborhood or dangerous situation, fast access to your vehicle is an essential part of staying safe. However, trying to fumble for your keys when you’re already in a stressful scenario such as this can be a nightmare. You could potentially drop your keys and be unable to reach them fast enough. A keyless entry system is much quicker as all you have to do is unlock your door, open it, and then shut it just as fast which allows you to protect yourself as fast as possible. While it may only be a difference of a minute or two, that time could make all the difference. 

4: More Convenient Access

One final benefit of vehicle keyless entry is also one of the biggest contributors to its popularity, and that’s convenient access. You no longer have to struggle with handling your keys when you need to open your vehicle. You can unlock your door or open your trunk with the push of a button, even if your hands are full of groceries. On cold early mornings when you don’t want to leave your house until you absolutely have to, some keyless entry systems are equipped with remote starters that allow you to start up your vehicle from the inside of your home. At a time when everyone is busy and looking for ways to make their regular routine more convenient, keyless entry systems can help you reach that goal. 

Keyless entry systems make owning and operating a vehicle safer and easier than ever. Their widespread popularity is easier to understand when you consider all of the benefits they offer in terms of convenience, security, and protection. It’s easy to see why keyless entry systems have found such widespread popularity among vehicle manufacturers in this day and age. 

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